Wilsons WillsWilson’s Wills has been set up by Jeremy Wilson. For thirty five years Jeremy has been a solicitor advising clients over wills, powers of attorney, trusts, tax and care planning. His career culminated in him being a partner and head of a very successful private client department in a regional firm of solicitors. He has retired as a solicitor to become a Will Writer and now wants to provide a similar service to the people of Bournemouth.

Many people associate a will as the document specifying who inherits what from your hard earned assets. Although this is true it is important to understand that a properly drafted will can achieve so much more.

For many couples there is the understandable fear of the cost of long-term care should the surviving spouse need to go into a residential or nursing home. If done correctly a will can protect a significant proportion of assets in this situation. There are other steps that could protect your home and other capital. Check out Long Term Care in our services.

Other situations where a properly drafted will or trust is essential are:

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