Wilson’s Wills has been set up by Jeremy Wilson. For thirty five years Jeremy has been a solicitor advising clients over wills, powers of attorney, trusts, tax and care planning. His career culminated in him being a partner and head of a very successful private client department in a regional firm of solicitors. He has retired as a solicitor to become a Will Writer and now wants to provide a similar service to the people of Bournemouth.
Many people associate a will as the document specifying who inherits what from your hard earned assets. Although this is true it is important to understand that a properly drafted will can achieve so much more.
For many couples there is the understandable fear of the cost of long-term care should the surviving spouse need to go into a residential or nursing home. If done correctly a will can protect a significant proportion of assets in this situation. There are other steps that could protect your home and other capital. Check out Long Term Care in our services.
Other situations where a properly drafted will or trust is essential are:
In addition to a properly drafted will you must consider the preparation of Lasting Powers of Attorney for Finance and Welfare.
If you would like to know more about wills and powers of attorney why not come to one of my free seminars or contact me for an appointment.
© 2024 Wilson's Wills